We've come a long way in getting seniors comfortable with computers!
For years, we knew that technology brings the world to them. Seniors read the news, video chat with loved ones, e-mail cute pictures of grandchildren and more! Still, it doesn't take much to feel overwhelmed & lost with these machines.
Recently, I was introduced to "the TELIKIN" ( http://www.telikin.com/ ). This is an all-in-one touch-screen computer built with the older generation in mind. (The truth is that I prefer to refer to them as "digital immigrants".) I invite you to check out their website & watch the promo videos and read the reviews. It sounds like a product whose time has come!
Additionally, I would suggest for those of us living in different cities than our aging parents, this device is a lifeline & keeps you connected.
If you have any questions about the TELIKIN or device setup, please reach out to us via e-mail or phone. We're here for you!